Thursday 2 July 2009


As the week progresses - so do my knees! I got to change my dressings today, taking off the big padded cotton wool and crepe bandages. The bad news is I now have to wear tubi-grip for the next 10 days!

I am finding it very difficult to sit still and rest, there are so many jobs to do in the house that it would be great to get up and do them. I am already able to walk around the house just using the furniture, I am trying to behave myself and still use one crutch when I am outside. I am so hoping that this means that I am going to be much more mobile when they are properly healed.

My daughter had a friend to play this evening after school, it was very amusing to listen to them play, they were using my daughters mountain walking stick as a crutch. It is so lovely to watch them assimilating my experience in their play. This is a picture of the pair of them as my husband scootered the friend home.

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